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Mental Health Investment Fund (MHIF) which is a Surrey wide resource to support prevention, removing barriers, and supporting people to become proactive in improving their mental and emotional health and wellbeing. The fund is being used for new, and/or existing, non-statutory services which can help support local neighbourhood and place-based plans for our populations.
The opening of Round 2 of the MHIF is imminent. Applicants will have 40 days to complete their applications once the fund is open.
Applications for this round are to be made on the SCC tendering platform, Proactis. Therefore, we are recommending potential bidders to make sure they are signed up to the platform where they can also be notified once the fund is live. Proactis - Supplier Network ( Once the fund is live, we recommend reading the criteria to confirm you are eligible.
The MHIF page on the SCC website will also be updated and provide further instructions on how to register and apply.
Posted on 26th May 2023
by Kai Last