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Good News Story!
Funding Awarded to Pirbright Community Amateur Sports Pavilion
Pirbright Community Amateur Sports Pavilion has been awarded £300,000 for an environmentally sustainable, community amateur sports pavilion, at the heart of the village, to help foster wider engagement in active lifestyles for all.
The village's existing cricket pavilion, nearly 70 years old and in poor condition, will be demolished and replaced. The new pavilion will provide accessible welfare facilities, including team and official changing, toilets, kitchen and a community café. It will act as a focal point for coaching, events and a meeting place for the wider community.
The new Pavilion is designed for all ages to support healthy and active lifestyles in an area with limited access to formal sports provision.
The project involves ATC Pirbright and local mainstream and special schools. It will promote wider participation in sport and new community activities locally.
Pirbright Parish Council | Sports Pavilion (
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Posted on 9th May 2022
by Your Fund Surrey