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First two projects approved for funding

We are pleased to announce the first two projects have been approved for funding. Funding of £30k has been awarded to the Weybridge Men’s Shed and £35,000 for the Claygate Recreation Ground Trust.

Michael O’Sullivan, Trustee and Treasurer of the Weybridge Men’s Shed Charity said: “We are indeed honoured to have been the first organisation advised by Your Fund Surrey of an award. On behalf of our Steering Group, our vital key holders, and the growing number of “shedders” already benefitting from the facilities, a huge and grateful “Thank you!”. The funding will enable the internal fitout of both sheds to be finished and an underground water treatment system installed to complete the Project.”

Helen Maguire from Claygate Recreation Ground Trust said “This is great news we can now progress with the Family Garden and pedestrian path to the pavilion, which is the second stage of our landscaping plan, following the successful rebuild and opening of the Claygate Pavilion this year. This funding will enable individuals, families and sporting and community groups regardless of ability to enjoy spending time outdoors thus increasing their health and wellbeing”.

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Posted on 21st October 2021

by Lydia Woodage