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We’re delighted to announce that the biggest funding to date has just been awarded to the Normandy Community Shop and Café. Over £500k of funds will be going towards this purpose-built, community owned, community managed shop which will not only sell local produce but will provide a community meeting space. Find out more here:
Surrey County Council Cabinet Member for Communities, Mark Nuti, said “The Normandy Community Shop and Cafe project was exactly what we were looking for when the fund was first launched back in November 2020. This is a truly inspiring scheme that involves and benefits all the community. There has been a huge local backing for the project both financially and with volunteers helping to bring this to life. Thousands of residents will benefit from being able to shop locally, enjoying the best that the local produce has to offer and be able to meet and chat over a coffee. Residents will not have to drive miles to shop, helping the environment, and the space is there to be used by all. We asked Surrey to ‘Think Big’ and Normandy did! I wish them all the success in the future.”
What’s going on in your area?
Have you seen what projects have been proposed in your local area? Don’t forget you can 'Have Your Say' on current proposals – perhaps it will give you some ideas of your own? Take a look at the latest proposals that have been put forward and have your say:
Get thinking over Christmas
While you’re enjoying the festive season why not have a think about what your community might need. If you have an idea, take a look on the Your Fund Surrey ideas map, see what others are suggesting in your area, put down your own ideas, and get talking with others to help make it happen:
To find out how to apply for Your Fund Surrey funding, visit the Your Fund Surrey website which gives a step by step guide to how the process works. There is also a Frequently Asked Questions section, to give you a better idea of what types of projects we can fund. We also run Q&A drop-in sessions so look out for those on the ‘Latest News’ tab, where we publish the next dates.
In the meantime, keep the ideas coming and have a great Christmas.
Posted on 9th December 2021
by Your Fund Surrey Team