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There are plenty of big ideas out there with Surrey communities pinning lots of ideas on the Your Fund map which is great to see. We now have 878 ideas on the map with over 28,193 likes. Do take a look and see what else is being proposed in your area.
The next stage will be to submit your idea. The Ideas Submission Help and Guidance document ( Idea-Submission-Help-and-Guidance.pdf ) has now been published, so have a read and make sure you’re prepped and ready for when the online portal goes live on the 1st March . And remember you can keep the ideas coming beyond the 1st March.
Less of this….We’re still getting lots of highways maintenance projects coming through as ideas which are outside the scope of Your Fund Surrey as these come under County Council highway improvement. So ideas such as new crossings, bridges, cycle paths, signage, speed limit changes, traffic calming, pedestrianisation etc can be flagged by visiting or by emailing us at where it will be considered in line with our normal procedures. You may also wish to contact your local County Councillor to make them aware of your proposal; your County Councillor’s details can be found on our website: Surrey County Council - Your Councillors (
Good luck with your Ideas Submission – Let’s make it happen!Posted on 22nd February 2021
by Your Fund Surrey Team