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2022 Thomas Flack Trust Fund Grant Report

On the 8th February 2022, Mole Valley District Council’s (MVDC) Cabinet will be asked to consider the Thomas Flack Trust Fund Grant report.

What is the Thomas Flack Trust Fund?

This Trust Fund offers funding support for projects benefiting the residents of Leatherhead, Ashtead, Bookham and Fetcham. The fund has limited resources and therefore funding applications up to £25,000 are advised. Applications can be made for both Revenue and Capital projects.

Each year, applications are invited for projects which will provide permanent facilities for local people and assist the start-up of new initiatives. All applications are reviewed by the Thomas Flack Working Group, made up of elected Members of wards in the north of the district. Projects where significant funding has already been raised from the general public, or directly from members of the organisation making the application will be given a priority.

What is Mole Valley District Council's Involvement?

Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) is the trustee of the Thomas Flack Trust Fund, established in 2005 to offer funding to projects that benefit residents in Ashtead, Bookham, Leatherhead and Fetcham.

What is the deadline for applications for 2023/2024 funding?

New applicants are requested to submit their proposals for 2023/24 funding from April 2022. The deadline for submission is 30th September 2022.

What will be discussed at the Meeting on 8th February?

The working group’s views will be discussed and grants agreed at the meeting on 8 February.

This year, the group is recommending that funds totalling £22,073 will be allocated to:

- Ashtead Tennis Players Club for the installation of floodlights on the two community courts

- Parochial Church Council of Leatherhead to install and fit a new kitchen

- B@titude in Leatherhead to support ‘The Hive’ providing art and craft activities for the local community

- Intergenerational Music Making (IMM) for providing music sessions in Leatherhead and Bookham

Councillor Emma Norman, Chair of the Thomas Flack Working Group, said: “I hope that the proposed funding will be able to support local projects to benefit our communities. It’s great to see that there is so much going on in Mole Valley and we’re proud to be part of it. We encourage new applicants to submit their proposals for 2023/24 funding from April 2022. The deadline for submission is 30th September 2022.

Please visit for more details

Posted on 4th February 2022

by Your Fund Surrey